Top 10 largest Honey Producing Countries in the World
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Top 10 largest Honey Producing Countries in the World

As everyone knows well about this unmatchable blessing of God Almighty, Honey is an all in one ingredient for perfect health. Around the world. It is produced in massive quantity every year with every country contributing tirelessly. Numerous countries are now in struggle of establishing its production plants but not all of them are successful to produce it at world’s largest scale. Its production is really significant and respected matter among the people in every corner of the world. The effort is just not limited to humans but the bee produces the key role in its making. To honor its production, National Honey Month is celebrated every year in the month of September. It is an unmatchable biggest blessing in all edible items which has infinite healthy benefits. You can estimate its importance by just seeing the fact that just a one spoon of honey every day is enough to keep the human body healthy and fit. Apart from that, it is a global recognition now that it is being used as ingredient to produce various important medicines.  To shed light on our topic here we have the top largest honey producing countries in the world, according to FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS.

1. Russia
With being the part of their culture, The Russian federation is the world’s largest producer of natural honey with a total net production of 68446 tonnes in 2013. It is the passion and profession of the people of this country to produce honey in various types and taste not just for exporting but also for their personal love for it. They  also use it in coffee, bread, tea and pancakes as well.
2. India
Being the producer of honey since 1000 B.C, this Asian country is tagged as second largest producer of natural honey having total output of 61000 tonnes in 2013. The ancient production units installed there are the main factors behind their annual production. They are now doing experiments to breed much more sustainable honey bees so that the bees may be able to keep their health in every season leading to its producing throughout the year.
3. Mexico
With annual production of 56907 tonnes in 2013 as per FAO, Mexico is tagged as 3rd largest honey producing country where people especially cultivate the citrus fruits as well as flowers which bee usually sucks to produce naturally pure quality. That’s the reason behind the ultimate sweetness and richness of Mexican honey.
4. Iran
Being globally recognized as the major honey producer in the world, Iran is at the fourth spot with a total production of about 44000 tonnes in 2013. It is the profession of many citizens in Iran to export and import honey which allows the state to achieve those big figures. The country is famous around the world for its richness and sweetness, making it to be listed in top largest producers.
5. Romania
Romania is at the 5th number with honey production of 26678 tonnes in 2013 in various flavors. The country has been consistent in providing best quality to the world due to application of its up to date modern strategies and technology. If one is a lover of multi-flavored honey, Romania is the best place for him.

6. Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea got sixth spot in our list of leading producer with annual production of 25000 tonnes in 2013. Their citizens as well as their government believe that honey is a great boosting source for economical health of the country and for that, they are using ultra-modern techniques to maintain the quality. Most of the production is based on the natural resources.

7. New Zealand
New Zealand is the country with probably the best natural honey having annual putput of 17852 tonnes in 2013 which mostly comes from the natural extraction. To produce the best and natural quality, they use the best and unique honey bees to do the job.
8. Poland
Poland also comes in top ten list of largest producer having annual supply of 15498 tonnes in 2013. Beekeeping in the country has a tradition dating back centuries that why it is considered home to numerous bee families and high production Poland ranks among top honey producers in Europe

9. Kenya
Kenya expanded its honey production from 2007 and now got place in top ten major producers having annual output of 12000 tonnes in 2013. It is estimated that 80 per cent of land is ideal for bee- keeping due to the abundance of bee flora in arid and semi-arid lands of this country. Several small-holder farmers have started production of honey which is then collected at farm-gate making big contribution to its economy.

10. Australia

Australia is the 10th largest producer of honey and the hand behind it is The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) which played an major role to expand bee production to ensure the long term economic progression of this industry, making Australia to hit a massive figure of 10500 tonnes production in 2013. The country has 12,000 registered beekeepers and around 673,000 registered hives, producing honey as well as pollen and royal jelly. About 70 per cent of Australian honey is produced from native flora

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